CARE Elementary is so grateful to our Sponsors for their generous support in helping us to provide the CARE Education at no charge to our families.
Anthony Abraham Foundation
Ari Arteaga Be the Light Foundation
Charles M. and Joan R. Taylor Foundation, Inc.
Chiavacci Family Foundation
City of Miami Anti-Poverty Initiative
Coaching for Literacy
Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation
Fernandez Pave the Way Foundation
Fine and Greenwald Foundation
Firehole Foundation, Inc.
Garner Foundation
Jerome A. Yavitz Charitable Foundation
Dr. John T. MacDonald Foundation
Joseph and Sherrie Garfield Foundation
Kirk Foundation
Miami Rescue Mission
Overtown Children and Youth Coalition
Peoples Fund
The Batchelor Foundation
The Wiseheart Foundation
This and That Shop of Plymouth Congregational Church
Amtrust Bank, a division of Flagstar Bank of New Jersey
Bilzin Sumberg
Castle Park Investments
Damian Valori Culmo
First Citizens Bank
First Horizon Bank
Florida Power & Light
Friends of CARE
Grove Bank and Trust
Haber Law
MultiVision Video
Shaw Ross International
Shook Hardy & Bacon
The Keyes Company
The Peebles Corporation
UM Football Program
Valley National Bank
Withers Worldwide
Zumba Fitness